Football Supporters Europe - Away Fan Survey


WHUISA is a member of Football Supporters Europe and today we received the following email from them, asking our members who travelled to Zagreb if they could complete their Away Fans Survey.

Dear [FSE] Members,

We hope this email finds you well and will be of interest to those of you whose clubs are playing in European club competitions this season, be it in the Champions League, Europa League, or newly founded Europa Conference League.

We are pleased that, after exhaustively lobbying UEFA and other stakeholders, the blanket ban on away fans has been abandoned (for now). Even though the organisation of matches is the responsibility of national, regional, and local authorities and will be decided on a case-by-case basis, it is important that fans can rely on consistent standards.

To this end, FSE can help in several ways, depending on the country in question. We can put you in touch with counterparts from other clubs, liaise with clubs, football associations, UEFA, and authorities on your behalf if problems arise or regulations are breached, and, if all else fails, provide contact details for lawyers on the ground who work with football fans.

The pandemic means that this season will be even more challenging for those who follow their teams in Europe. Some countries do not permit away fans, others prevent people from certain countries travelling altogether, and many implement public health measures that might change at the last minute.

If you encounter problems relating to any or all of the above, please contact us via info[at] Please note that the earlier we are informed about any potential issues, the more likely it is that we will be able to provide help and advice.

Away Fans Allocation
As mentioned, though away fans are now allowed in UEFA competitions, there are a number of exceptions. Decisions on whether or not fans can attend games is ultimately down to the relevant public authorities.

According to UEFA’s letter to national football associations, “standard practices will be reinstated, i.e. 5% of the total allowed stadium capacity will be reserved to fans of the away team, subject to any decision in this respect falling under the responsibility of the relevant competent authorities.”

The quoted percentage takes the overall number of spectators into consideration, which means that in a case where, say, the stadium is only at 50 percent of capacity, “5 percent” refers to 5 percent of that 50 percent. If you believe your club has not received a sufficient allocation, please let us know via info[at]

Away Fans Survey
As always, we will be monitoring the conditions for away fans in European competitions. Travelling fans are therefore invited to complete the 2021-22 Away Fans Survey after every European away match they attend. Fans are asked to provide information on a wide range of subjects, including travel arrangements, ticketing, allocation, policing and stewarding, catering, and so on. By completing the survey, you help us collect hard, reliable data, which will inform our future policy. FSE will evaluate the data to offer a clear picture of the situation across the entire UEFA region and to liaise with the football authorities on possible improvements.

Ticket Prices
As you are no doubt aware, two seasons ago, UEFA introduced a (very high) price cap for its club competitions. As a result, the cost of away tickets must be no higher than 70 EUR in the Champions League, 45 EUR in the Europa League, and 35 EUR in the Europa Conference League. If you suspect a breach of this rule, please inform us as soon as possible.

We are continually monitoring ticket prices to identify trends and problematic clubs. It would greatly help our efforts to argue for a lower cap if you could let us know as soon as possible what your fans are being charged in Group Stage games. As always, email info[at] or contact a member of the FSE Office.

Legal Help
If you or people from your fan group or club require legal assistance, we are in contact with trusted lawyers in 18 countries who might be able to help. Please let us know whether you would like to be put in touch with any of them by emailing us at info[at] or contacting a member of the FSE Office.

Enjoy your travels and best of luck for the season ahead!